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Title: On synthetic and composite estimators for small area estimation under Lahiri - Midzuno sampling scheme
Authors: Tikkiwal, G.C.
Pandey, Krishan K
Keywords: Management
Issue Date: Apr-2007
Citation: STATISTICS IN TRANSITION-new series, April 2007; Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 111—123
Abstract: This paper studies performance of synthetic ratio estimator and composite estimator, which is a weighted sum of direct and synthetic ratio estimators, under Lahiri – Midzuno (L-M) sampling scheme. The synthetic estimator under L-M scheme is unbiased and consistent if the assumption of synthetic estimator is satisfied. Further, this paper compares performance of the synthetic and composite estimators empirically under L-M and SRSWOR schemes for estimating crop acreage for small domains. The study shows that both the estimators perform better under L-M scheme as having comparatively smaller absolute relative biases and relative standard errors.
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