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Title: Framework for the Analysis of Sustainable Supply Chain Management: an Insight from Indian Rubber Industry
Authors: Bag, Surajit
Anand, Arora
Pandey, Krishan K
Keywords: Management
Supply Chain Management
Issue Date: Jan-2014
Citation: Journal of Supply Chain Management Systems; Volume 3 Issue 1 January 2014
Abstract: Industrial operations could emit harmful pollutants and degrade natural environment, thereby posing a threat to human beings and wildlife (polar bears, panda, penguins, turtles, whales, walrus etc.). Globally manufacturers must ensure that the operations be done as safely and responsibly as possible keeping in line with the three dimensions of triple bottom line. We develop a model which analyses the various complex relationships involved in a sustainable supply chain with the aid of interpretive structural modeling. The key factors influencing sustainable supply chain were identified based on a thorough literature review and in consultation with rubber industry experts. Further MICMAC analysis was applied to identify the autonomous, linkage, dependent and independent factors.
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